What is Macro Pulse?

Macro Pulse highlights recent activity and events expected to affect the U.S. economy over the next 24 months. While the review is of the entire U.S. economy its particular focus is on developments affecting the Forest Products industry. Everyone with a stake in any level of the sector can benefit from
Macro Pulse's timely yet in-depth coverage.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

2018Q2 Macro Pulse -- A Yogi Berra Economy?

Lawrence “Yogi” Berra -- the late major-league baseball player, coach and manager legendary for his malapropisms and pithily paradoxical statements -- has been credited with the saying: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Given the junctures at which the U.S. business and credit cycles find themselves, that imperative seems especially relevant; the all-important question, though, is what “fork” is the economy taking? Is it a path leading to stronger growth, or one leading to recession?
Click here to read the rest of the June 2018 Macro Pulse recap.
The Macro Pulse blog is a commentary about recent economic developments affecting the forest products industry. The quarterly Macro Pulse newsletter typically summarizes the previous 30 to 90 days of commentary available on this website.

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